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رزرو نوبت

دریافت نوبت

فرم زیر را برای درخواست نوبت در کلینیک دکتر مهریار تکمیل کنید. یکی از همکاران ما با شما در عرض سه روز کاری با شما تماس خواهد گرفت تا اطلاعات پزشکی خود را بررسی کنید قبل از اینکه یک قرار ملاقات ارائه شود..

اگر شما یک اورژانس پزشکی دارید، با شماره 911 یا کمک های اورژانسی تماس بگیرید. اعضای تیمی که برای شما یا خانواده تان مراقبت می کنند، مهارت و مهارت را برای ارائه بهترین مراقبت ممکن می کنند.

Dr Mehryar

پذیرش اینترنتی

جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر با این شماره تماس بگیرید+98 713 229 5665

  • Is astigmatism treated with LASEK and PRK surgery?

    Yes, if you are nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatic, you can use this method. Of course, you should be carefully examined by an ophthalmologist before taking any action. Other treatments may be appropriate for you.

  • What are patient’s general conditions for PRC and LASEK surgery?
    • Being at least 18 years of age
    • Presence of refractive errors
    • No change in the patient's eye score for at least one year or just 0.25 for 18 months
  • Is this surgery painful?

    No, it is painless. Local anesthetic drops are used for numbness and no injection is performed.

  • What is the approximate duration of the surgery?

    It takes about 5 minutes to perform the surgery; however, it takes about two hours for preparation time and postoperative care.

  • What causes glaucoma?

    The main cause of glaucoma is inheritance and genetic factors, but according to physicians, taking some migraine medications and the long-term use of oral, inhaled, and intravenous corticosteroids and especially eye drops, which are commonly prescribed for the treatment of allergies and eye sensitivity, can lead to glaucoma in people who are at high risk for this disease. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sedative medications and antihistamines are also effective in developing glaucoma.

  • What are the clinical examinations for glaucoma?

    Intraocular pressure measurements, Gonioscopy ( an examination to look at the angle of the eye) and determination the status of the optic nerve and visual field. If needed, an ophthalmologist will prescribe testoptical coherence tomography (imaging of the optic nerve and the retina) that can be obtained at Dr Mehryar Clinic.

  • When can I undergo Laser surgery for decreasing intraocular pressure?

    Laser surgery helps to drain fluid from the inside of the eye. Although this method can be used at any time, it is usually used after drug therapy. In many cases, the patient should take medication after laser surgery.

  • Which patients are the best candidates for Laser lridotomy?

    This method is applicable to patients with narrow-angle or closed- angle glaucoma. The surgical procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. In this method, a tiny opening is created in the iris, which allows the intraocular fluid (aqueous humor) to drain more easily in the eye's angle.

پذیرش تلفنی

+98 713 229 5665

مركزمشاوره و تعيين وقت تلفني

استفاده از افراد تحصيل كرده و داراي اطلاعات پزشكي ، پذيرش تلفني کلینیک را به مركزي جهت مشاوره اوليه درمورد بيماري ها و جراحي هاي چشم تبديل كرده است.